The standard monthly pattern of services at St John's is set out below.
if you are a visitor or new to worshipping at St John's and are unsure of anything please let one of the sidespersons, who are handing out Service Sheets at the door, know and we'll do our best to make you welcome.
At all 10.30am services, if children are present, there is a special talk for them after the Gospel. They then depart for an activity in the Vestry.
Usually tea, coffee and biscuits are served after the service. If you have time please stay for a drink and a friendly chat.
First Sunday of every month: 10.30am Sung Morning Prayer.
Second Sunday of every month: 10.30am Sung Holy Communion
Third Sunday of every month: 10.30am Sung Morning Prayer
Fourth Sunday of every month: 10.30am Sung Holy Communion
6.30pm Choral Evensong
Fifth Sunday of every month: 10.30am Sung Holy Communion
Any changes to the standard list of services are in the latest What's on this Week